• Compare Agile with waterfall Model
  • Compare Agile with V Model
  • Benefits of Agile Methodology
  • Drawbacks of Agile Methodology
  • Introduction to Scrum Framework
  • What is scrum?
  • Discussion on Sprint Planning
  • Discussion on story cards
  • Components of Scrum Framework
  • Scrum Roles
  • Scrum Artifacts
  • Scrum Events
  • Scrum Roles and Responsibilities
  • Product Owner
  • Scrum Master
  • Scrum Development team

Scrum Artifacts

  • Product Backlog
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Burn down Chart

Scrum Events

  • Sprint Planning Meeting
  • Daily Scrum Meeting
  • Sprint Review Meeting
  • Sprint Retrospective Meeting
  • Tools Usage in Agile
  • Project Management Tool – JIRA